Cardinal II

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Cardinal II from Taiwan, produced by National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology
This is a small hand-launched drone that is designed for intelligence gathering, surveillance, tactical reconnaissance, and target acquisition capabilities. It has a modular design and a digital data link that can communicate with a ground control system. It can fly autonomously or by remote control, and can return home and land safely in case of communication failure. It is developed by NCSIST, a Taiwanese institute.
• Type
Small size unmanned aircraft system.
• Development
The Cardinal II UAS has been developed and improved from its original prototype Cardinal I since
2009 with better payload design, digital data link, and automatic tracking antenna system.
• Description
Cardinal II UAS is used to support and reinforce the surveillance, reconnaissance, and target
acquisition capabilities for battalion level combat troops to acquire real-time precise target location.
• Specifications
Size:L 1.9 m W 1.3m H 0.35 m
Weight:5.5 kg
Cruise speed:55 km/hr
Endurance:60 mins.
Power:Brushless electric motor
• Status
The Republic of China Marine has ordered 5 sets of Cardinal II UAS which is scheduled to deliver
before the end of 2016.