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Fulmar from Spain, produced by Wake Engineering
Fulmar makes use of a powerful flight control system that was developed by UAV Navigation, yet another Spanish company.
UAV Navigation’s autopilot powers up this 3-meter wingspan that was exclusively developed for ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) operations.
Further, the Fulmar can handle between 6 to 12 hours endurance, 20 kilograms MTOW and 80-kilometer range. Therefore, Fulmar required a flight control system or autopilot system that was both powerful and precise. This Herculean task was shouldered by UAV Navigation — a company that worked on the Fulmar project right from the start. In fact, the collaboration between Wake Engineering and UAV Navigation began with Fulmar and was subsequently extended due to outstanding results.
During these years of close collaboration, the companies have worked hand-in-glove to resolve various technical complexities involved in designing a flight control system, that suffices the very specific needs of this marinized UAV that is fully functional on the land.