
Gull Gull Gull
Platform:Gull 68
Payload cap(kg):94.00
Max takeoff weight(kg):250.00
Max speed(km/h):185
Fly Range(km):2,081.00
Maker:Warrior (Aero-Marine)
Country:United Kingdom

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Gull from UK, produced by Warrior (Aero-Marine)


Warrior’s GULL technology resolves many published navy and coastguard unmanned system challenges.A series of seaplane UAVs called the Gull 24, Gull 36, Gull 44 and Gull 68

The designs enable:

    • Dual air and surface roles in any mission
    • Easy organic use with minimal logistics
    • Operation to and from land, shore, small vessel and large ship
    • The GULL does not need either a prepared airstrip or launch/recovery equipment, using its robust STOL capability for water or field operations.

The GULL increases the range of maritime surface operations and decreases the time to achieve them. Its ability to switch between aerial and surface roles both increase effectiveness and reduce costs of achieving current and extended maritime functions.

These capabilities remove requirements for costly multiple interconnected systems and enable front-line organic operation.

  • Quick response, long-range surface operations. With their high cruise efficiency in relation to helicopters and surface vehicles, GULL UAVs enable quick-response long-range surface operations that are currently too risky or have not previously been possible or cost-effective.
  • Precision payload delivery. The GULL can carry devices or supplies to precise coastal, maritime, or fresh water locations.
  • Long surface dwell capability. The GULL can serve long endurance missions with the ability to hold position on water for sustained periods, performing persistent surveillance and detection roles.
  • Covert operations with minimum radar signature. With the ability to land offshore and approach hostile situations stealthily, and with less noise and minimal radar signature in relation to rotorcraft, covert operations can be significantly more effective and successful.
  • Multiple surface waypoints. The GULL has the ability to land and function at a series of waypoints on water in any single operation, increasing versatility and effectiveness.
  • Amphibious operations. Where land-based as well as water operations are required a retractable undercarriage may be fitted to provide a fully amphibious capability.
  • Multitasking benefits. The GULL can perform several functions in series in a single operation, from high speed cruise, to slow high aerial loiter, to close inspection for identification, to (landing on water) persistent surface-based observation or detection (using above and below surface sensors), then airborne again to relocate. These have major implications in achieving automated multi-function tasks with:
    • a minimum of time
    • a minimum of systems and platforms

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