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UMS SKELDAR’s V-150 is the perfect Rotary Unmanned Aircraft System (RUAS) for Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) missions, giving coastal or land-based teams the tactical advantage needed to stay one step ahead of escalating threats. Equipped with an EO/IR, SAR or COMINT sensor combination, the SKELDAR V-150 offers the possibility to monitor infinitely more area when compared to ground-based alternatives.
The SKELDAR V-150 can respond to the enforcement needs of a wide range of land border protection, coastal security, fisheries control, anti-piracy, oil and air pollution and anti-smuggling policies. An unmatched small logistical footprint provides easy maintenance, transport, and preparation for take-off in under fifteen minutes from remote sites near non-permissive environments.
Highly time-critical maritime and overland search & rescue operations can be accelerated by deploying an EO/IR and COMINT equipped SKELDAR V-150. Fire brigade, mountain rescue, and missing person search crews can benefit from the SKELDAR V-150’s extended endurance and capability of locating survivors following floods, avalanches, and other man-made and natural disasters.