
Payload cap(kg):50.00
Max takeoff weight(kg):230.00
Max speed(km/h):200
Fly Range(km):250.00
Maker:Aeronautics Defense

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Aerostar from Israel, produced by Aeronautics Defense


Tactical UAV by Aeronautics. Known for reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition missions.

The Aerostar was designed and built by Aeronautics Defence Systems.
Aerostar is a tactical unmanned aerial vehicle (TUAV) designed to execute intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance operations. The medium altitude, long endurance vehicle can capture real time intelligence data over a large area and transfer it to a ground control station (GCS) through a satellite communication data link. The ground control station is also designed and manufactured by Aeronautics Defense Systems . Three crew members – a pilot, mission commander and payload commander – are required to control the aircraft from the GCS. The range is 200km.
Aerostar Tactical UAS was introduced in 2001 and operated worldwide, accumulating 130,000 operational hours between 2001-2013. Aerostar was one of the first UAVs to operate in civil missions such as at oil rigs protection program near the shores of Angola, as well as in military leasing programs in the Middle East and in Afghanistan.

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