Maritime Heron

Maritime Heron Maritime Heron Maritime Heron

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Maritime Heron from Israel, produced by Israel Aerospace Industries


The complex maritime arena poses many challenges, from drug smuggling to illegal immigration, pollution to search & rescue operations. The Maritime Heron is the optimal solution that puts you in control, at sea and beyond the horizon.

Incorporating more than 40 years of experience and proven operationally worldwide, the Maritime Heron UAS carries out maritime patrol and intelligence-gathering missions, from detection, classification, to identification. The Heron in its maritime configuration is used by several naval forces around the world in homeland security, paramilitary and wartime scenarios, it offers extended operational endurance (up to 45 continuous hours); increased scanning area, range, time over target and mission flexibility, as well as, real-time assessment of battle damage.

IAI’s Maritime UAS consists of:

  • Land- or sea-based Unified Control System (UCS)
  • Ground data terminal (GDT)
  • Mission-oriented payloads

The UAS’ full array of intelligence gathering capabilities is made possible thanks to its capacity to carry multiple payloads and sensors simultaneously. A typical operational configuration consists of a maritime patrol radar (MPR) with multi-mode functions, an electro-optical sensor with day/night capabilities and an optional electronic intelligence (ELINT) package. The system is capable of utilizing customer furnished sensor suites.

Data can be transmitted from the UAV to the control station and tactical-level end users in real time, through direct line-of-sight or via satellite communications. This essentially enables:

  • Operational range of the Heron to be limited only by fuel availability, with missions ranging over 1,000 km from its operating base.
  • Low altitude mission hight

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