ZALA 421-24

Payload cap(kg):0.40
Max takeoff weight(kg):3.60
Max speed(km/h):30
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ZALA 421-24 from Russia, produced by Zala Aero Group
The new ZALA 421-24 quadcopter-type UAV has a compact folding design and can stay invisible in the air due to low acoustic and visual signature.
It is controlled by a handheld controller (RTC-Real time controller) and allows operation from a moving vehicle.
Key benefits
- The system is stored in a single protected case
- Autonomous operation
- Quick start – no more than 120 sec.
- Operation from a moving vehicle
- Application in a wide range of weather conditions
- Target tracking and holding
- Anti-interference duplicated data channel
- Capable of working with individual positioning devices (ZALA beacon)